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Transformation Season Again

What do you do when you hear as you awake "I'm giving you sustainable grace". Do you ask more questions? Do you ponder what that truly means? Well for me it meant I was going to be taken down a path that would build and change my faith forever.

To sustain means able to be maintained at a certain rate or level or able to be upheld or defended. Now I had heard these words Spiritually so God was saying I'm about to teach you how to maintain the new level I've moved you unto and I will also defend you if anything arrise against you.

Wow, how exciting but intimidating at the same time. Yes I said intimidating because I have always heard I had a Joseph Annointing and that God was going to show me how to walk in that. I also knew Joseph suffer greatly before he truly was able to walk in the dream the Lord showed him in his youth. So I be gan to think had I not suffered enough? Had I not went through enough pain and trails. My mind wonder do I really want this. Yes I love the Lord and the people but can I get a break in the pushing, pulling and dragging.

I then became num but understood I must walk in my promises because in order to truly walk in my call. I must submit myself unto the Lord. That means I need the Lord to help my mind because right now its hard to comprehend what God is asking. At that moment I knew I had to study grace that I could have word to pray, meditate or even voice. It would also help me overcome fear of failure. Cause Lord knows I'm going to need all the help I can get. Many think because your a leader there are no concerns but actually there are. You have your own the ministries and the people's therefore, you must allow God to transition you at his pace in order to truly walk in his grace. Now that I have understood the assignment time to go Forward.......

Stay tune of my 2022 Transformation

Article by Dr. Zolisha L Ware

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