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Fearless Thought

Many view the roles of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers as mere offices, limited to specific positions or functions. However, this perspective confines and diminishes the full scope of what Jesus intended. It's vital to understand that these callings are not merely positions of authority but represent a profound lifestyle a way of life that transcends physical buildings and designated roles. These calls command life long commitment that are present at the moment we are conceived in our mother wombs.


A position of authority or service, typically one of a public nature.

The call to be an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher (Ephesians 4)is a divine invitation to a transformative lifestyle. God's Kingdom is not just a physical location but a spiritual dwelling place. Therefore, the call to these roles goes beyond mere office work; it involves embodying the attributes of the calling in every aspect of one’s life.


The purpose in life that God gives to each person, and it's a call to serve God in a specific way. The word "vocation" comes from the Latin word vocātiō, which means "calling".

Here are some things to know about vocation in the Bible:

Everyone has a vocation: Every person has a calling from God, and no calling is more or less important than another.

Vocation is a person's identity: In addition to what a person does, vocation is also about who they are called to be.

Vocation is a way of life: Vocation is a certain kind of life that God ordains for the common good.

Vocation is a way to serve God: The main purpose of life is to serve God by serving others.

Vocation is determined through discernment: The process of determining God's call for a person's life is known as discernment.

Vocation can be found in many areas of life: Vocation can be found in the household, the church, and the state.

Some examples of people in the Bible who were called by God include:

The Virgin Mary, who was called to be the mother of Jesus

The disciples, who were called to leave their nets and follow Jesus

Samuel, Isaiah, and Jeremiah, who were called to speak God's message to the people of Israel

Therefore our Vocational is a Lifestyle.......


The way in which a person or group lives.

In John 14:6, Jesus declares, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” This profound statement emphasizes that following Jesus is a comprehensive journey that impacts our entire existence. Thomas asked Jesus, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus’s response points to a holistic way of living—one that integrates sacred principles and truths into daily life.

A lifestyle rooted in these callings demands sacred living, which brings about protection, guidance, and governance for those we are called to serve. This sacred way of life provides not just safety and direction but also a profound sense of purpose and meaning aligned with God’s will.

To fully embrace this calling, we must receive the complete revelation of who God is and who He has called us to be. This understanding will break the limitations we often place on Jesus's call. By recognizing that these roles are not just positions but lifestyles, we free ourselves from constraints and step into the fullness of our God-given purposes.

In conclusion, the call to be an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, or Teacher is not confined to an office or position but is an invitation to a fearless, all-encompassing way of life. A life dedicated to serving others, guided by the way, the truth, and the life that Jesus embodies. Let us remove the limitations and embrace the fullness of our divine calling. Let our Lifestyle reflect the vocation and let our vocation become our way of life.

Key Takeaways:

1. Beyond Offices:Understand that Apostolic, Prophetic, Evangelistic, Pastoral, and Teaching roles are lifestyles, not mere positions.

2. Kingdom Living:These callings encompass a way of living that reflects God's Kingdom on earth.

3. Comprehensive Journey:Following Jesus involves integrating His way, truth, and life into daily existence.

4. Sacred Living:Embrace a lifestyle of sacred living that offers protection, guidance, and purpose.

5. Remove Limitations:Recognize the full revelation of who God is and the limitless nature of our divine callings.

Apostle Zolisha L Ware

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1 Comment

Sep 24, 2024

Thank you! This is bringing clarity and revelation to me about so many things, on a brand new level! 🙏🏼🙌

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