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Conquering the Seven Mountains of Influence: A Call to Transformation

In a world where influence shapes societies, economies, and cultures, it is vital for Christians to recognize and actively engage with the seven mountains of influence to foster healthy and prosperous nations. As believers, our mandate goes beyond the confines of religious institutions; we are called to permeate every sphere of society with God's principles of love and righteousness.

The seven mountains of influence - family, religion, education, media, arts & entertainment, business, and government - are pivotal arenas where decisions are made, values are shaped, and beliefs are disseminated. As Christians, it is not enough for us to merely exist within these mountains; we are called to rise up, conquer, and transform them according to the will of God.

When we operate within the family mountain, we should exemplify love, unity, and respect, creating a foundation of strength and stability for future generations. In the realm of religion, we are called to be a light that shines brightly, showcasing the transformative power of faith and grace to all who seek guidance and hope.

Education is a powerful tool for shaping minds and hearts. By incorporating biblical principles into the educational system, we can nurture a generation of critical thinkers grounded in wisdom and truth. Media, with its vast reach and influence, must be infused with values of integrity, compassion, and authenticity, reflecting the goodness of God in all forms of communication.

The arts & entertainment industry is a cultural powerhouse that has the potential to inspire, uplift, and transform. As Christians, we can use our creative talents to create content that glorifies God and uplifts the human spirit. In the sphere of business, we are called to be entrepreneurs of integrity, leaders of excellence, and stewards of resources, shaping economies and industries with fairness and compassion.

Government plays a crucial role in shaping policies, laws, and regulations that impact the lives of citizens. As Christians, we are called to be involved in the political process, advocating for justice, equality, and righteousness in all aspects of governance.

To truly make a difference in the seven mountains of influence, we must embody the principles of Jesus Christ in all that we do. We are called not to conform to the standards of this world but to reform them according to the values of the Kingdom. By being agents of transformation in each mountain, we can work towards creating nations that reflect the glory and grace of God.

Let us not shy away from the challenges and responsibilities of engaging with the seven mountains of influence. Instead, let us rise up with courage, wisdom, and faith, trusting in the power of God to guide us as we seek to reform, renew, and restore every sphere of society to align with His divine purposes. Together, let us march forward, conquering the mountains of influence for the glory of God and the betterment of all.

Dr. Zolisha L Ware

Repost 2018

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