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Be Free from the Opinion of Others!

After 3 beautiful kids one thing I know for sure...people will always share their opinions of how you should raise your kids and run your house. If you are like me, this is frustrating and could be offensive. As moms we like to get others input but also, we want to be free to make our own decisions.

I believe every expecting mom and mom has experiences this topic. Do not get me wrong, overtime I have received some great advice. I have made some great decisions from taking advice from others. The line is crossed when it is no longer advise and its now criticism. They may think they are helping but really, they are offending you.


I wanted to talk about pregnancy because this is usually where the opinions start. Over the course of 3 pregnancies, I have heard things like: "You should eat healthier while being pregnant, you are gaining too much weight", "You are reusing clothes from your previous child, can you afford a baby? Maybe you both should wait to have more kids.", "How are you going to finish school with 2 kids. You can do it with one but two I don't think you can do it", and of course I have heard way more.

It is YOUR choice what you decide to do or not do in your pregnancy. If you want to give into your craving, that is ok. If you gain more weight then you wanted, that is ok. If you must work through your pregnancy, you got it! If you are carrying a lot while you are pregnant, you got it. We must do what is best for us. What they did may not be best for you. Their advice (opinion) may not work for you. You know you the best. You know what you can and cannot do. Of course, do not overdo it. I do not want anyone to read this an assume I am saying overwork yourself. You still must take care of yourself. I am saying while pregnant some people find things important, that you may not. Do what you must do and be free from the opinion of others.


This is a big one as well. Since your hormones are high during this time, a lot of people can offend you easily. I have heard it all when it comes to having a baby. People always seem to mention weight, your feeding choices, diaper choices, baby clothes, where the baby is sleeping, and much more. I had to learn to take in the good and spit out the bad. I got to a point where I had to make the decision that was best for me. This can be a challenge because people will always have an opinion.

As a mom (and dad, yes dads have a say so too) just raise your kids the way you want to. If you want to breastfeed, you are a great mom. If you want to use formula, you are a great mom. If you want to use cloth diapers, you are a great mom. If you want to use disposable diapers, you are a great mom. If you are a stay-at-home mom, you are a great mom. If you must go back to work, you are a great mom. No matter what choices you make, you are a great mom. Your kids are healthy, happy, and growing. That is what is the most important thing.


This is a broad topic, but it is another area people tend to offend parents in. Before we get deep in, I want to explain I will respect your values and moral if you can expect mine. As I often mention, I am a Christian so there are certain things I do not allow my kids to do. My kids do not participate in Halloween, we do not listen to secular music, we do not practice sin, we teach our kids about the word of God, and so much more. This is a topic that causes a lot of controversy around the world for all parents. Like I mentioned before, you respect me, and I will respect you. I believe as a parent you have the right to teach your kids the things you find valuable. Unfortunately, we live in a world some people do not believe in this.

Now I do not believe parent should teach their kids hate. Of course, Jesus represents love so I teach my kids to love EVERYONE. If you give your kids an allowance to teach them the value of money, ok that is great. If you do not give your kids allowance, ok that is great. If you put your kids in extracurricular activities, ok that is great. Remember just do what you think is best. Teach your kids your values, morals and to love and not hate.


I am mentioning school because this year we decided to homeschool our kids. Some people found us crazy, but others agreed. I do not think there is a right or wrong way to educate your kids. You can do homeschooling, public, private, and even online. As a parent, you must make the best decision for your kids. All kids are different and learn different. Do what you can to push your kids into a successful direction.

Please get free from the opinion of others. People will always have their opinions. People will always share their opinions. We must learn how to take in the good and spit out the bad. If its good advice use it but it’s not then disregard. No parent has it 100% right. All we can do is make the best choice for our family and grow from our past mistakes. As always it was a pleasure to discuss this topic. Be blessed and have a great day!

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