Do you like to protect God's people?
Perhaps God has placed this protecting nature inside of you by design. It’s no accident that when you see injustice or feel that others are being mistreated that you get this “righteous anger” towards that situation.
The church has often assumed that pastors are the spiritual guardians of the church, while it neglects the ministry of prophets. However, the church was never intended to function with only pastors serving as protectors of the people. Prophets also have been set in the church to help fulfill this important role (1 Cor. 12:28). Churches that ignore this aspect of the prophetic ministry will not be able to withstand the attacks of hell.
Hosea 12:13 reveals to us that one of the major functions of the prophet’s ministry is preservation:
"And by a prophet the LORD brought Israel out of Egypt, and by a prophet was he preserved."
Israel was delivered from Egypt through the ministry of the prophet Moses, and then Israel was preserved through the intercession of Moses (Num. 14:11–20).
The word preserve means to keep from harm, damage, danger, or evil. It also means to protect or to save.
In Hebrew, the root word is shamar. Shamar means to hedge about (as with thorns), to guard, to protect, to watch, and to keep. The word shamar is first used in Scripture in Genesis 2:15, where Adam is told to keep (shamar) the garden. It is also mentioned in Genesis 4:9, where Cain asks God if he is his brother’s keeper (shamar)
God wants to use your voice, gift and love for his people as one who shamars. One who looks after His sheep? Are you a shamar prophet?
This is the season for SHAMAR prophets to arise. Not just in the church but in business, medical, educational, entertainment… you get it, EVERYWHERE!
Apostle Zolisha L Ware